The Observer has a new and improved site. The url is now (we dropped “the”). For those that subscribed through WordPress and would still like to continue receiving post notifications please subscribe at the new site.

We’ve complied a collection of facts on a pdf that you can print out and give to family, friends, neighbors, your doctor and your political “leaders” or pass out on the street. If this operation doesn’t end soon, it will be the end of what freedoms we may have enjoyed: 1.              The virus said to […]

With the masses facing diabolical ruling class madness, so many are looking to the establo-alt media for ideas on how to “resist”. At the end of Episode 382 of the Corbett report, James Corbett offers his listeners some options on how to resist vaccine mandates and general government encroachment into our lives. We applaud this, […]

Greetings. A little game to play: type any three digit number and “new cases” into the google search bar and see what you get. Works every time. Courtesy of Greg Mannarino. See Our related coverage here.

In December 2019 We called it and wrote this post. It is now more relevant than ever. We repost it again with minor edits. In the times of social decay, the differences between establishment “reality” and true reality become acute and starkly visible to anyone who cares to see. The fight for “reality” has never […]

The Viral Challenge In the fall of 2011, dissident German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka put out a challenge. He claims that no scientific paper has proven the existence of disease-causing viruses. Lanka offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove, with a scientific study, the existence of the measles virus, its measurement, and that does […]

The final bid to manage the crumbling empire and turn it and the first world into a third-world medical surveillance state has had mixed success. For the most part, first-world herds obediently wear masks as they are told, and commit economic suicide by staying at home. That is not the problem. The real trouble was […]

Not So Alt Media? Why is so much of the independent media, the alt media so reluctant to call out the fake virus? Why won’t they admit that there is no evidence for the existence of infectious germs? The corporate government is just playing accounting tricks. They’ve admitted as much when the White House’s Dr. […]

Tom Hanks is most definitely a robot. Here is a video he made for graduating students of Wright State University, whom he calls the “chosen ones”. In it, he refers to a “before the Great Pandemic of 2020” and an “after the Great Pandemic of 2020”, the former being the “olden times” before the “reset”. […]

In addition to the TRACE ACT (HR 6666), which as noted in a prior post, proposes $100 billion in 2020 to create an industry of “contact tracers” to illegal surveil, detain and force medical treatment on the people of the US, the Congress has also proposed the UNITE Act, (“Undertaking National Initiatives to Tackle Epidemic […]